Amity Health DPC Monthly Events
Interested in attending our monthly community events? Leave your contact information and we’ll notify you of our upcoming events!

Amity Health Holiday Food Drive
Come hang out and network while supporting our community! Amity Health Direct Primary Care will be hosting a thanksgiving food drive and potluck. Bring your favorite dishes or treats and we will provide some food and beverages as well. We will be donating through Share Ourselves in Costa Mesa and we are looking for the following foods...
Boxed Stuffing Boxed
Mashed Potatoes
Canned Green Beans
Nonperishable Gravy
Canned Cranberry Sauce
Canned Pumpkin
Canned Yams or Sweet Potatoes
Canned Vegetables
Canned Fruit
Cornbread Mix
Brownie Mix
Other canned foods are also accepted, however the organization is making an effort to provide these foods for the community for the holidays